Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Day of My Own

Over a week ago, I planned and prepared my family for a day without me. I had my itinierary, my books, my journal, my Bible, my music, snacks, water and lipgloss. Can't go anywhere without my lipgloss, ya know.

I had decided to drive north to my fav spot by the river. While driving, I listened to a great sermon and had lots to think about. When I arrived it was already warming up, but there were spots left. Unfortunately there was a loud group of kids who were camping there, but I soon tuned them out.

I had a wonderful time of reading my Bible and praying. I took time to journal and plan. I had specifically wanted to spend some time thinking and praying over my priorities, my time and daily direction. Being a stay at home mom I wear alot of hats and juggling all the balls I have, I often find myself dropping one or two or all of them. By taking time to pray and ponder, I'm hopeful that I can tackle the needs of each day.

I'm hoping to take another day this fall, and encourage you to do the same. If its possible with your family obligations, it is a wonderful way to spend a little extra time with God.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Photos from Deception Pass, WA

I have some new photos from our trip to WA to share with you.

Joe at his favorite place: the shoreline.

Isn't this a great photo of this old shelter! I just love the old wood and stone shelter nestled in the trees.

Joe making his way to the shore with the Deception Pass bridge in the background.

Joe enjoying the sand of the west beach. We didnt' really dress for the beach, it was a really nice day there.

Til next time ...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Home Again

We got home from WA late last night. Always good to sleep in one's own bed.

My mother in law passed away July 2nd from a sudden heart attack. She was only 72. So sad to lose her so early. Tho she had some issues, no one expected to lose her like that. The funeral was precious and they did a slide show that was awesome.

So love on your special ones. None of us knows when its our time to go meet our Father in Heaven. Take advantage of the time you have here on earth to let those you love know that. And press in to the Lord when they are taken from you. He is the God of all comfort.

Til next time ....

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Death in the Family

There's been a death in the family. We are leaving tomorrow morning to be with family. I dont' really have any words to say right now. Will update later. If you read this, please say a prayer for peace for all affected. Thank You!

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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A Few Pics from This Summer

Here's a few photos from a few adventures we've had this summer. It's been fun to explore our new territory.

At the river ....

At Julia Davis park having a bar-b-q picnic ....

At Lake Cascade ....

Along another river ....