Today is Day Three of the Sick Boy at Home.
Over the weekend he developed the sniffles and a bit of a cough. We laid low except for church. Monday morning I decided to let him sleep and kept him home from school. By afternoon he seemed to be more like himself. So Tues morning we got up and off to school he went. By mid morning he had spiked a fever and the school was calling me to come pick him up.
Tues afternoon and evening his symptoms abated and he looked like he was on the mend again. But not wanting a repeat of Tuesday, I waffled whether to send him to school or keep him home. After hearing him coughing in the early hours, I made my decision to keep him home again.
Today has been more of the same: sniffles, a little cough once in awhile, lots of cartoons and lots of liquids.
The hard thing about Joe being sick is that he rarely acts sick. He doesn't lie on the couch, moaning or napping. If you didn't hear him hacking or have to wipe his nose you'd barely know he was sick.
I'm really hoping he gets to feeling better. With no school on Friday, if he doesn't go to school on Thursday he will have missed almost the whole week.
I'm keeping up with the laundry, the dishes and the meals, but I'd really like to get back to my writing. Kind of hard to do when
Dinosaur Train is on in the background!
Thankfully, #1 son doesn't get sick often. Just part of the challenges of being 'mom', right?
Til next time .....