Twelve days ago I walked into Providence Hospital in Portland Oregon for surgery. Five days later I was wheeled out of the hospital and a friend brought me home. Since then I have been recovering at home.
I have known for several years that I needed to have this particular surgery, but being one of the millions of uninsured americans, we couldn't afford it. I'm glad it was never life threatening. But waiting did have its ramifications. The mass that the doctor removed had grown and was pushing into my lung. We are thankful that Mike got a job right after graduating last May and that his health insurance covered this surgery for me, after the typical waiting period.
Yesterday I met with one of the surgeons nurses for a followup. She was pleased to see how well I am healing. Yay! And gave me a few tips for some of the challenges I am having. My main challenge is the sharp pains I get when I lay down or move in certain ways. She told me they most likely are nerve pains--ouch! Who knew that nerves could be so grouchy!!!
Since leaving the hospital and for the next few weeks, I cannot drive nor lift anything over 10 pounds. My energy level is still compromised and I like my mid day naps. I have been spending my days watching old movies and tv shows on netflix streaming, bad local tv programming, doing a bit of reading and surfing the net. Boredom is setting in ....
My sister was with me for the 5 days after returning home, which not only was wonderful for the company, but necessary in terms of needing her help. At that point, I still couldn't do much for myself. Daily I find myself getting stronger and able to do more. But now that she is gone, I miss having someone around to talk to. Funny cuz I'm used to being alone, being a stay at home mom. but I guess being a stay at home mom is a misnomer cuz I was always on the go. To the library, the post office, the grocery store or busy with projects around the house. Now I sit on the sofa, the dining room chair or at the desk.
But this boredom too will pass. Soon I will be able to drive again and be able to resume my daily activities. Tho I thought it was interesting in the info from the surgeon and hospital both said that it can take up to 6 months to recover your energy after surgery. My mom had always told me that---thanks mom! you were right!!!
Well, this is just a rambly post to document what's been happening in my world. I'm getting better every day. Mike is rising to the challenge of cooking dinners, doing laundry, and keeping Joe clean and happy. Its been wonderful to realize how perfect this spot is where we live right now has been for Michael and us while I'm recuperating. Without his driver, Michael can still walk to the grocery store, pharmecy, post office for what we might need. Joe and Mike can walk over to the pizza eaterie, the coffee joint, the park and the library. All our needs are met here within walking distance in this tiny little town.
And my friends from church have been wonderful in helping me get back and forth to appts and the hospital. Thank you girls!
Til next time ....
Mid Month...a MISH MASH of Musings
1 week ago
Hey friend! I'm so glad to hear your recovery is going well. Forgive me, I should have been by to check on you before now. I hope the boredom doesn't get too bad. It's good to know the boys can take care of themselves for awhile.
Hope you are able to get going soon. (((Hugs))) to you my friend!
Oh my goodness, I am so glad to hear that everything has gone well. I had no idea!
It sounds like you have a wonderful group of friends around you. :)
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