Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday

this week i thot i would highlight several bloggers that i am thankful for. tho i started my seed story blog back in '06 i didn't find out there was this huge bloggy community of christian wives, mothers and gals until last summer when i was surfing around one day. i felt like i had found a bunch of kindred spirits who live all over the country and even the world! what a treasure the internet is.

so i want to introduce a few of these kindred spirits to you:

carrie has a great title for her blog. "with all that i've been given" isnt' that great? she is a young mom with a one year old son. she loves her family, practices hospitality and shares some great recipes. she ministers to young girls, which gives her extra brownie points in my book. go visit carrie's blog

another blog title i love is cindy's at "still His girl" referring to both the Lord and her husband. her husband has his own blog and they are both a hoot. cindy is that girl back in highschool that you wanted for your best friend: fun, cool, nice, funny, extroverted, coming up with lots of great ideas and has tons of energy. when i grow up i want to be cindy! besides her fun side she also has a serious side which endears her to me. she's willing to be real and doesn't pretend to be perfect (even tho i know she must be!)

monica from the homespun heart has a heart for her family, home and hospitality. i love reading about her 2 little ladies (ages 3 and 18 mo) and her newborn son. plus they live in south carolina and since i would love to move to north carolina i get to live down in the south thru her blog. monica shows her strategies for feeding her family well on a budget, cleaning up the clutter that accumulates, how she makes her home more homey with her feminine touches. she is serious about her walk with the Lord and makes balancing all her demands look (almost) effortless. maybe we can move to south carolina and i can be her n'bor???

kathy and her husband, tim,co-write their blog "the duckabush blog." they live in western wa, my stomping grounds growing up. when i need a reminder of what i'm missing i just have to wander over to their blog and be reminded of the rain that i got away from, the beautiful pics of mt rainier that i miss seeing on a regular basis. kathy homeschools her brood, which i had always planned to do if we had had the brood we had planned on, instead of our special boy that God gave us. so i get to homeschool vicariously thru her blog. one of the reasons i like kathy's blog is that she includs lots of photos and she posts every day. and if she doesn't blog, she has bribed her husband to blog with added computer time for his obsession. i'm so glad my husband doesn't read my blog. if he knew that tim had a set amount of computer time and had to do something to earn more time, well, just say it wouldn't be pretty around here if something similiar was instigated.

there are a ton more that are in my fav file, but those are the ones i go to regularly to catch up on their lives. go visit these wonderful blogs and let me know what your "must view daily" blogs are.


Peapod Four said...

Those will be fun to check out later today while the kids are napping! Fun idea!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Gail. What fun to be highlighted!

If you're ever back 'home' visiting, be sure to look us up! Until then, we'll keep the pictures coming!

Kathy in WA said...

Gail - I'm so honored you would mention us. I can't wait to check out some of those other blogs you mentioned. Of course, I LOVE Cindy at Still His Girl. You absolutely captured the heart of her blog.

Thanks again!

*carrie* said...


Thank you so much for your kind words! One of my favorite things about blogging has been what you said: discovering kindred spirits!

Monica Wilkinson said...

Gail, Thank you for your e-mail and for your very kind words! I look forward to checking out a couple of the others you mentioned and love that my sister was included here too!

PS: There are several houses for sale on my street if you want to come, I'd love to have a kindred spirit neighbor! :)

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I'm going to have to print that out and file it in my blessings file. You are too sweet.
That was such a treat to read.

I WISH I had lots of energy, though. I wonder what I've done on my blog to make it LOOK that way! :)