today is the first day of the new scheduled wake up time. i need to preface this post by saying: I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!!! did you get that? if i could i'd sleep in late and stay up late, but unfortunately, the world is run by those crazy types like my husband who don't need an alarm clock and bound out of bed anywhere between 4-6 am!!! crazy, i tell ya!
but i digress. on the plane ride over to seattle i had an hour and a half to myself. to read, to think, to doodle .... it was wonderful. so i set about planning what priorities i need to adjust. after writing down all that i want to accomplish as my roles of wife, mother, and Christ follower, it was clear to me that my days of sleeping in and lounging in bed were numbered. so i told hubs when i got home, that i was going to start setting the alarm clock for 6:30am! its not even light out then, but a girls gotta make some sacrifices in life, ya know?
so last nite as i was getting ready for bed, i headed over to the alarm clock. but i just couldn't do it. 6:30 just seemed too ... too ... EARLY! so i cheated and set it for 6:42am. i figure i'll get used to that for a few days and then set it for that unseemly hour of 6:30. sigh ....
well, the alarm went off and after hubby reminding me to get up 5 minutes later, i struggled to put my feet on the ground. i stumbled out to the cold kitchen floor to start my espresso machine (yes, i'm from seattle! i must have my espresso!) thankfully, it takes awahile to make my coffee so i had a chance to rest my eyes and slowly wake up. slow is good at 6:53am.
so all this to say: i am making it a priority and a goal to wake up early each week day. weekends will be a whole 'nuther matter. but i need help. will you keep me accountable? will you check in and ask me how i'm doing? will you pray for me to fight the urge to crawl back in bed once the boys are gone? i know i'm not strong enough to do this on my own. but with God's help, and your prayers i can conquer this lifelong habit of sleep!
I am right there with you my friend! I definitely need to get up earlier. I will try with you and we can encourage one another along!
Take care! I hope tomorrow morning is better!
Oh Gail!! I laughed so hard--the reason? I'm so not a morning person either! When i went on a mission I had to be out of the bed by 6:30 every single day!!! it was hard, but I always prayed the night before that I would have the strength and discipline to do it--it really worked, I never once missed a 6:30 rising time. And now that we have to be out the door by 7:30am, I'm trying to get back into the swing of a 6:30 morning call, it can be so hard! I'll pray for you, I'll pray for me, and I'll pray for all those late night owl-nonmorning people out there!
Oh, sister, I feel you! I'm so not a morning person either. Best of luck to you!
I'm with ya. 6:30 is the absolute latest I can get out of bed and make it to work on time so I really need to be up earlier. I'm going to try reading Proverbs 31 every night -- "she also rises while it's still night" Ugh.
i am so glad to know that i am not alone--thankyou! i have to let you know that monday was ok, but last nite none of us slept well, and when the alarm went off i just laid in bed, eyes closed. finally i got up after 7, but i can tell now, that if i don't sleep well its going to be really hard to follow thru the next morning. sigh ...
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