Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Special Exposure Wednesday

this week is SOOC: straight out of the camera. no editing. just life as it is. here's joe goofing off, messy shirt and all. our daily life includes messy shirts everyday. he uses them as his napkin, he drools over them, he dribbles food on them. that's life. but he's also happy and laughs and we embrace that too. take the rain with the sunshine ...

there's lots more pics over at at 5minutes for special needs. go check it out!


Jenny said...

I can so relate to the messy shirts! We do lots of laundry around here!

Meg said...

LOVE the sunglasses, very cool! He looks so happy!

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

Handsome boy! Great shades! Wiping hands on the shirt is not so bad. One of my sons used to wipe his hands in his HAIR!!

Lori said...

Nice! I too can relate to messy shirts. We go through them like crazy. I don't see Myah's messes anymore, I just see her. She is beautiful and so is your son:)