christy over at
christy's creations gave me the kreative blogger award. isn't that cool? i dont' feel like i deserve it tho, as i'm not sure i'm that creative. like i told my sis in law awhile ago, "i don't have an original thot often, but i'm a great copy-er" i see someone else's great idea and i'll swipe it without a 2nd thot. always giving credit to the original creator, of course! and sometimes i'll even tweak it a bit.
Now I have to list 6 things about myself and pass the award on to 6 other Kreativ Bloggers!
Okay, 6 things about myself…
I re-taught myself to knit after having a knitting hiatus for over 10 years.
I learned to sew when i was in high school home ec, but didn't really pick it up til i was married and bought my first sewing machine.
The one craft i'd like to learn but don't feel like i've ever had time to devote to it is quilting. maybe someday ....
I didn't really learn to cook until i got married.
I had a journal of first names i liked when i was in jr high. it had hundreds of names in it.
I was a cheerleader in jr high and loved it.
And I’m passing the award to…
~carrie at
with all that i've been given ~cindy at
still his girl ~monica at
the homespun heart ~gayle at
grace for gayle ~nicole at
60 piggies ~gibee at
kisses of sunshineall great creative bloggers who are worth your time checking out. each with their own gifting and interests. i just love the bloggy world, don't you?
Hi Gail!
Congratulations on your award! Thank you for sharing the honor with me!
Have a great day!
thank you, thank you! you are too kind to me, gail. :)
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