Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Good Food, Got Any?

Have you noticed how many great cooks and awesome recipes are out there in cyberland? On Tuesdays in particular, there seems to be a plethora of blogs that have recipe roundups. I haven't participated, per se. But this morning I took a gander at several blogs and just have to let you in on the great ideas. I also want to remember where I found these recipes instead of printing them all out and then losing them in the clutter I call our kitchen.

Here's the ones I found. If you have found some share, share! One can never have too many recipes, tho I think I'm coming close.

Easy Chicken Pot Pie

Never Fail Pie Crust (freezable) Makes 6 crusts

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars

Touchdown Taco Pockets

Spicy Sweet Deviled Eggs

Sourdough Starter and Rolls

1 comment:

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Those look like some great recipes. I'll have to check them out. I have been trying to cook more lately. My son told me at dinner tonight that he was tired of chicken. Ooops. Apparently I'll have to try a little harder for more variety ;)