We are watching videos of Dave Ramsey at church. Yesterday he talked about gazelle like intensity in getting out of debt and recommended selling everything you could lay your hands on. So that got hubby and I thinking about what to sell. Before our move, we sold alot of furniture and downsized considerably. But it has crossed our mind more than once to sell our car. Our only car. Our only means of transportation. The only reason we could even consider this is that we live downtown Boise, close to most everything. Neither of us work outside the home, and Boise has a decent transit and is a bicycle friendly town.
The main drawbacks would be not being able to continue to go to our church and if I needed to go to Joe's school, that would be difficult, if not outright impossible. So tho, we talk about it I don't think we will follow through.
So how bout you? Would you sell your car to get out of debt? What have you sold to downsize your debt?
Mid Month...a MISH MASH of Musings
1 week ago