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here it comes! are you ready? are you excited? somehow just the thot of a new year, a fresh beginning gets me all revved up. not sure why, as a couple days into the new year it'll be just like any other day, any other year ... and yet, there is that freshness, that empty white page that beckons me to write something glorious on it, something wonderful. beyond the mundane. the possibilities seem endless when looking at that blank piece of paper called a New Year.
i am a resolutions person. always have been, and probably always will be. again, not sure why as i seldom reach my goals. but i enjoy having them and i think they make me a better person just for striving after something i know i want in my life.
this year as i look ahead, i am resolved to eat better. eat healthy. carve out some healthy b'fast's and lunches for myself.
i'm resolved to workout at the Y. to try a yoga class. to try a pilates class. and to get moving on the treadmill or in the pool: 4x a week.
i'm resolving to continue to declutter. i have been decluttering for 2 years now. a slow process, but a good one. and one i have seen success with.
and i'm resolving to get into the Word. DAILY. a hard one for me, but a necessary one. and i know that God will help me succeed.
how bout you? any resolutions? or are you like my hubby who says if he's going to set a goal, he's not going to wait til Jan 1st!
Mid Month...a MISH MASH of Musings
1 week ago