one of my fav things to do is to surf around the internet. find new blogs of interest that i haven't seen before or visit ones that i've forgotton about that are too great to be forgotton. most times i find these gems by following a link, which leads me to another link, and to another ... its like a treasure hunt. well, i decided i couldn't keep all this bloggy goodness to myself. i just have to share it with you!
recently i found a couple remarkable gems. and i've been remiss in sharing a couple oldie but goodies that i've been keeping to myself.
do any of you visit simple mom? wow--what a goldmine of information. i love how she has set up her categories and when she shares links its all organized and structured. poirot would have loved her. she mentions dave ramsey, blogs on frugality, green living, making your home a haven, kids, crafts and recipes, and has recently moved overseas.that of course, is a plus in my eyes as i have a huge interest in living overseas.
then thru her blog, i found Mt Hope Chronicles i just love that name mt hope--doesn't that just evoke a calming sensation in you? last week she was going thru some rough stuff with her health, but even so you couldn't help but fall in love with her and her family.
i have also been remiss in not having my friend joanna's blog on my blog roll. joanna, is a new mom, a college student and the first aide we had for our son when we first moved to idaho many years ago. we loved her then and we love her now. i can't wait to see her baby in person, but now we live about 4 hours apart so it might be awhile.
i also have visited off and on a great blogger whose blog is called kisses of sunshine, isnt' that sweet? can you tell by now that i really like titles? and i'm really disappointed if a blog has a great title but the content doesn't match up. but gibee at kisses does not disappoint. she is a lovely woman with a great son. she dealt with infertility as i did, she's a crafter, and she has a great sense of humor.
so if you are wondering how to spend the next 30 minutes go visit one or all of these blogs. tell them that gail sent you!
Mid Month...a MISH MASH of Musings
1 week ago
1 comment:
I used to do that - looking for new ones to read - but right now I can barely keep up with my own. I'll check out the ones you found when I get a chance. :)
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