5 minutes for Special Needs is hosting a new try it tuesday for families with special needs kiddos. what a great idea. most of my good ideas have come from other moms who have kiddos with issues. whether they have the same dx as my son or not, doesn't seem to matter. we all have alot in common.
so for the first post of try this tuesday, i am recommending the buckle boss. what, you say? the buckle boss is an ingenious invention for those kiddos who have the ability to get out of their seat belts but not the sense to know that driving down the highway is not the time to do so.
when my son was younger he learned how to push the seat belt button. he loved taking it off and then getting up in our van and wrecking havoc when mama was driving. we knew we needed something. an email list i was on had the answer, the buckle boss. you can only get them thru mail order from the small mom and pop company that makes them, and at the time they were $15. but it was worth its weight in gold. for several years we used it constantly, then we graduated to only needing it on long, boring trips. now we use it rarely.
but if you're in the situation we were in, and you need an easy way to keep your kiddo in his seat belted seat, get yourself a buckle boss.
(i'll try to find the website again and add it to this post later. for now, gotta run!)
edited: thanks to hollyjolly for coming up with the website www.buckleboss.com
Looove the Buckle Boss! Here's the link:
Nice to meet you; thanks for visiting my post, too.
What a great product! I just saw someone asking about this issue the other day; if I can remember who it was, I will send them to this post. Thank you so much for participating in TTT!!
Great tip! I'll file this away for my little ones are older. The way my son likes to run away now, I'm sure he'll be trying to escape fromt the seat belt in a few years!
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