last week i was thinking of what word to choose for 2009. a couple came to mind that were wonderful. but they didn't quite fit right. i would have loved to have chosen them, cuz they were upbeat, fun kind of words. like hope, or joy. and tho, i do want those attributes in my life. i knew the word for this year would be a more challenging word, a stretching kind of word. cuz that's the kind of person i am.
and so as i continued to contemplate what word to pick, it came to me. for me, for this year, for this season in my life, the word contentment came to me. i want to be content. i want to live with more contentment. i want to purposefully be content with where i am. as opposed to being discontent and whiny and grumpy. i want to embrace this year. hubby is in school, #1 son is in 4th grade special needs class, we are living in a small college apt in boise. we don't have alot of extra money. but you know, we do have alot of good things in our lives. i want to dwell on the good and not the bad. what we do have, not what we don't have. and even as i set goals for myself and strive to do better, be better, i want to be content.
here are some pics i found on the web that speak contentment to me. enjoy!
Good word!
Perfect!! I've been thinking a lot about a word too since you last posted about it. I was thinking that a good word for me this year is Triumphant. I've got a lot ahead of me this year, since I will be going to school in the spring, summer, and fall. I want to be triumphant in my classes, as a mother, as a wife, as a christian and do all that each of those entail and be triumphant in doing so...we'll see how it actually goes.
love your word joanna. go for it. i think words should stretch us. and triumphant will stretch you, but you can do it!
Thanks for sharing your word, Gail. That's a wonderful challenge for all of us!
Random, but I've been meaning to mention that whenever I click over to your blog, a log-in for Twitter pops up. Not sure why?
Yep, I'm right there with you my friend! I have been meditating on the scripture from Paul for a while now. Maybe I will post about it soon.
Take care my friend!
I pray you have a blessed 2009 filled with contentment!
What a wonderful word for all of us. I hope that you will be very successful in it this year.
My word is Patience because I have waaaaaaaaaaay too little of it and I need all that I can get. :)
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